Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Welcome 2020.  So far it is turning out to be quite the year!  The Covid-19 virus is certainly adding to the craziness.  This is to document some celebrations that have happened recently.

Devan turned 16 (4 days before 2020)

We have our last driver on the road!

Renae's 18th birthday in Feb. 

We had fun surprising her by inviting some friends over from the youth group.

The girls celebrating the end of Renae's basketball season.

Because of the coronovirus, Dwight was home for his 20th birthday last week.

This past weekend, we celebrated Ericka's 23rd birthday outside around a bonfire with extended family so we could practice our "social distancing" a bit better.

Darryn & Danae are celebrating their birthdays (2 weeks apart) in Columbus.  I think they cooked themselves a nice steak dinner because they couldn't go out to celebrate (restaurants closed!)

We are thankful for family!  May we be able to continue to find ways to celebrate life amidst the uncertainty we seem to be experiencing this year!

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