Sunday, January 28, 2018

Christmas Break

Every year over Christmas break, this happens......

I usually like to clean up the trash as we go.  This year I was told to "stay sitting." This is a picture of the aftermath.

This also happens every year, 3 days after Christmas......

Happy 14th, Devan

This year something happened that I don't remember ever happening before.  We had such cold weather for a long enough period of time and we had the best hard clear ice for skating on the ponds (even though we had a 1/2 inch skiff of snow to scrap away.)  It was during Christmas break and some cousins were here and the kids brought the New Year in by skating in the moonlight.  Oh.... and they also hooked up a cool disco light as well.  Great memories!

Renae, Jewel, Sarah, Melanie, Ericka, and DANIEL

It was nice while it lasted.... which was about 5 days once it was thick enough..... and then we got a 6 inch snow followed by a thaw.


  1. That's a pretty impressive mess in the living room. Did anyone lose any presents?! 😁
