Monday, July 1, 2013

This & That


If you read our earlier posts you will recall that we battled the stomach virus about a week ago.  While we are all up and functioning, many of us are still not 100%.  Usually someone does not feel like eating or is complaining of a tossing stomach.  When we got to Yellowstone signs were posted that the stomach virus was going around. Several of the kids have thrown up a time or two since then with Ericka having the worst bought one morning.  We are making it through, but it has impacted the energy level and desire to do some hiking, etc.

Last Tuesday Lyn was lifting while setting up the camper and put his neck out of place.  With no chiropractor to go to, it's been a rather painful week.  Thankfully Jolene brought a vibrator that has helped tremendously, ibuprofen has been a friend.  It has not been helpful that the beds of the pop-up are far from the Hilton...

License plates:

Soon after we left West Virginia Ericka downloaded the license plate game app where we can mark off the states as we see them.  We were down to just a couple when we entered Yellowstone.  The bet was that we would never find Delaware or Hawaii.  Yellowstone pulled through by providing both.  The missing states are Rhode Island and Washington DC.

This weeks plans are to take in a rodeo at Cody tonight, then on to South Dakota for Mt Rushmore and the Badlands.  Our trip will wrap up as we visit family the last couple days heading east (translate "free motel" :))

I forgot to mention in the last post that we saw some buffalo calves and a grizzly gave us a nice view on our way out.. pictures included here.
A great celebration ensued when Renae spotted this one, our Yellowstone highlight.

Is this one of our kids????

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